Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Male whining and female equality

I saw this really interesting talkshow today. Yes, there ARE interesting talkshow's and yes, there ARE interesting topics being discussed. It just seems like the boring topics outnumber the interesting topics about a gazillion to one. So i'm lucky.

Back to the topic. I saw this really interesting talkshow today. It was interviewing an author that was comparing the role of men in this day and age with the men of yesteryears. According to him, men today have it tough. They have to work, pay the mortgage, be men and when they come home, they have to spend time with the family and help with dinner! Gasp of horror! Oh, the cruelty! How could you expect the poor man to spend time with his children and help with dinner? It's just absurd!!

Now, I'm grinning while listening to this man and thinking, what a wimp. Yes, men work hard. Yes, they deserve to relax at home. But.....why should they view spending time with the family and pulling their own weight at home a chore? If men really say they love their wives and family, shouldn't it be rewarding for them to play their part of father and husband? The host commented on his father's life in the 70's.......about how he would come home after a hard day's work and find dinner waiting and the children all fed and bathed and put to bed. His wife would be all made up and pretty and waiting and he'd slump in a chair and be pampered. What happened to all that?? Nowadays, men come home exhausted to find their children all hyper from the day's sugar intake, dinner isn't done cos the wife is working late and there's no one to fetch him his slippers.

Excuuse me! If this isn't called whining, I don't know what it. I was nearly rolling on the floor listening to this man! HAHAHA these are the men that curse female equality because it's caused them to lose their pampering! Shame on you! If you truly loved your wife, you would be glad that she's got a job where she can show off her talents and be rewarded for it. You wouldn't begrudge her the opportunity of tasting your cooking once in a while. If you loved your children, you wouldn't see it as a chore to bath them and feed them and play with them.

But seriously, are we women taking this 'female equality' thing a little too far? Are we campaigning a little too hard for 'women's rights'?? I mean sure, it's great we get to vote and get equal pay as men. But all in all, I just want to be swept off my feet and be treated like a lil women. Cos that's what I am. A women. Female. The fairer sex. We complain that they don't treat us as equals and then complain when they don't open the door for us. We burn our bras and argue for equal pay.......and still treat the male as the primary provider for the family. We want flowers and chocolate for no reason at all. We want to be pampered and made to feel special. We want special treatment for being a girl. Then all hell breaks lose because we WERE treated like a girl. Suddenly, we want to be treated as men's equal. But hang on, didn't we just say we wanted special treatment for being a girl?? I'm confused. There's just no pleasing us. Where do we draw the line between the two? Am I the one being confused? Am I an embarressment to the female population for thinking this way?

I hope to get some feedback. I'd like to know what the ladies think.

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