Thursday, 1 March 2007

Should I, Shouldn't I

I have just confirmed and accepted the awful truth about myself. A truth that I've already known since eons ago but never accepted. I am incapable of making decisions! I don't know whether it's the lack of self confidence or the fact that I'm just ultra paranoid, I always have to second guess myself.

Perhaps this is why I never get to buy stuff when I go shopping. When I go shopping, I either look at everything and put it in my KIV file and then never come back for it, or I buy it on the spot, parade around home in it and decide it's not looking too good and then return it. At this moment, I have a blazer in my wardrobe awaiting judgement. Either the size is wrong, or the color is off. Whichever it is, I am incapable of making decisions. Normal ppl would just go out, try something on, buy it, wear it and let their friends comment on how foxy they look. Not me, nope. I have to think about it, the cost-effectiveness of it, whether it's suitable for the long term, whether I can machine wash it........etc. Hmmm, it's starting to sound like I'm a very wishy-washy person.

I really need to straighten my head out and make a decision and stick with it. No more impulse-buy. I guess it's all to do with self confidence and whether I trust myself to say that yes, I look good in this, ergo I'll buy it. Maybe I need to trust my judgement more. To hell with what other ppl think, I like it and that's that! Hmm, now all I have to do is decide what to do with my new blazer.......

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